Friday, April 23, 2010

daxter adventures part 4

After making it to the building, Daxter then notices that there is no door, and he has no blaster. Daxter sees a small pipe big enough to climb up. "well i did find this grapple gun," Daxter then pulled out the gun and shot the far end of the pole, notices that there is a hyperlift button to lift himself faster than the default lift speed so he presses it and slams into the awning above,smashing the grapple gun and his face. he falls to the ground. he gets back up terribly hurt and looks at the pipe and says " maybe i should climb up it and NOT get hurt. . ." as he is halfway across the pipe he begins hearing the meeting going on."okay,will set a bomb on a fuel tank inside the groups building," one member says as Daxter climbs. After getting on top of the roof,Daxter sees the fuel tank as he then picks up the bomb. "wait. . . what the. . ." a member notices Daxter and so do the other 12 members. as Daxter looks down at the people out of the building as all of the assassins begin shooting at him.

Daxter hears the gunshots and nearly gets hit while looking for cover on the roof. "shoot him!" "sabotage!" Daxter hears the men say. a shot came out of nowhere and hit Dax`s tail. "AAAAHHHH!! one:that was a TERRIBLE shot and two: im sore there. . ." daxter then slowly backed away hearing the people scream in terror "oh,my is he okay?" as they got closer to the fuel tank like the assassins,daxter then had to think of a quick getaway while dodging shots. Daxter came up with a extremly risky move but he somehow knew it would work. Daxter did a backflip off the roof and in midair, grabbed the bomb and threw it on the tank,but made one slight miscalculation and Daxter himself,along with the bomb, landed ON the tank. "oh, cra-" "boooommmm!!!" the tank blew up sending Dax flying through the air thinking" where did the building and the people and the assassins go?" Daxter afterwards landed,but somehow unhurt. 2 hours later, Daxter made it to the base. "how did you do!? did you kill them!?" the man kept asking Dax.

"well. . . I killed them. . . but. . . there was a meeting nearby and they uhh. . . " "they WHAT!?" they umm. . . KABLAMO!!" Daxter said,in a nervous way. "they. . . blew up. . .? the man asked. "yes. . . and. . ." Daxter wondered if he should say it was all his fault or give someone else the blame "its all. . . THEIR FAULT!"Daxter replied "if they didnt shoot me in the tail. . ."

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